Week 20 ~ Homeschooling week 2
*Faith and Life Chapter 12- narration
*You Can Become a Saint- Ch. 1 and correlating workbook pages (continued this week)
*Saxon math 7/6 lessons 1,2,3
*English 6 lessons 9~16
*Voyages in English pg. 199 exercise 11, pg. 200 exercise 12, pg. 207-208 exercise 20
*Spelling list - pg. 8-11
*Writing- Julia is writing a story (a long story!)
Mary Jane~
*Faith and Life ch. read and reviewed past lessons with mom
*Saxon 5/4 lessons 5-7
*multiplication drills
*English 4 pg 82-86
*Handwriting pg 68-72
*Spelling Workout- pg. 74-77
*reading comprehension exercises from Seton Reading Comprehension pg 8-12
*Religion- Faith and Life chapter 20
* timed math drills,
*MCP Math B pg 147-150
* completed 2 pictures from Draw, Write, Now with copywork
* Voyages in English grade 2 pg 97-101
*Spelling Workout lesson 19 pg 77-80
*read various readers (from library)
*Math worksheets +1 and +2
MCP Math K pg 130-136
*skip counting 2's, 5's, 10's
* MCP Phonics (starting off with phonics book 4)
pg 13-20
*Bob books, and various readers
spent day at Enrichment Academy
*snow day- they played outside most of the day after the basics were completed. Sledding and snow angels, lots of fun stuff.
*There were not a lot of extras this week. We did have a snow day. I realized that if I do not plan ahead for the art projects they just don't happen.